
oracle bones font

What is Oracle Bones ?

-They are called oracle bones because the writingdeals with divination and is carved on bone。
-dating from the late Shang Period (c. 1200 B.C.).
-The oracle bones have taught scholars muchabout the Shang Dynasty. About 150,000 of these were found in AnYang, in the northern province of Henan, China, beginning in 1899

Oracle Bones :Tortoise Shell

Oracle Bones : Cow Bone


Discussed few MSc projects views

On Wednesday,, I can see some project in Research Methods class, one on the camera of the Project. it is made of flash and some video, it is use flash to do interface, and put some video on the inside, it is teach people how to use camera and how to got one nice Photographic.The other one is a museum Projct, it is use 3d max made, it is very good, I like this one ,
I wach two and three people to do projects, i think Project is must E-learning, it is teach people some thing, and show people some thing.



i must think my project, its work time only have 12 weeks . i want flash , 3D Max , asp, to do it, . i will  use flash to do interface , some 3D MAX  video put in flash , maybe make website, flash put internet, people can online use it.
i don't know what is its topic?   i must think it!  think it !!!!!!!


website design

I like Bruce Lee movies ,So, I want design my Hero “Bruce Lee” website. I hope so it is an authoritative website.

This website have Bruce Lee life, Filmography , Martial Arts Suppliesm, correlative sites link, about me, Contact.

The Filmography contain four part:

1. film introduction

2. video watch

The Martial Arts Suppliesm contain two part:

1. Bruce Lee Martial Arts Suppliesm

2. Bruce Lee Martial video

3. Teach Martial

I want use header. navigation. content. footer at index page. Header, navigation and footer is didn’t change. Every page had them. If people click navigation’s link. Then content will change. I will add sidebar at some content part.



i am join my Graduation 12th Nov 2009, i am very happy, At the graduation ceremony, I sat on the bench, could not believe it's true.When I mounted the podium to get my diploma, I realize that I graduated, Then I also went to the restaurant, me and my teachers were photographed as



clay stop animation

this is i made clay stop animation. this is my frist do it. i made 1000
pictures. if you like it. tell me.

The Jack back to home. Jack is open TV and watching TV at home, He gets a call. He go to outside. He drives car to a club. The car is yellow color. jack and his friend together go to club. Jack buy beer, and give his friend. His friend drinks a lot of beer, he sleep on the floor.. Jack drinks a lot of beer also. Jack is drunk. His face color turns red., he at dance. He says goodbye to friends and kiss friend. He go outside club. His friend is wake up. He was drunk. And he hit customer in the club. Jack is sick up at outside club. He driving car go home. Jack driving car go to another traffic way. Another car give a way for jack.. Jack made traffic accident after. some one calls 999. The ambulance comes. Doctor carry jack. Ambulances go to hospital. His broken car is gone. If not drink. Can save your life.


assignment week begin!!

55555 , to many assignment, i want go to sleep. i miss my bed. but , i must work to hard, i must keep it. if i study to hard, i can got good marks.


Four picture

4 picture. cold, hot , bright, dark.


This is picture is a sea of fire. We know that the fire has different colors: white, blue, red and so on. The color is lighter; the temperature of fire is higher. Thus, I make bottom of the fire to be such light color to show the temperature is very high in this picture. The background here is black. For I want to make it to be a contrast which will people think the fire source is very bright and high temperature. Then is border of the fire sea goes yellow. The “Hot” word is positioned at the top right of the picture, The “Hot” word get burning and it’s smoky, because of the fiery flames. It has red color which is different from the fire sea. That means the temperature may be a bit lower, but still hot. And it got a reflection.

I think Fire Sea is very hot, so I made this picture.

This picture presents “Cold” word in the snowing environment. The word is in the centre. It is frozen. The icy word is frost cracking. It let people feel the weather is cold. The icy word is covered by some snowflakes on the top. It has inverted reflection in surface. The surface is a mirror. Mirrors always give people some sense of ice-cold. The reflection is gradual. And the reflected snow in the mirror surface is much different from the real snow. You can feel it’s blurry. Actually, the “Cold” word and its reflection have some lighting effects on them in background.
I make the “COLD” frost cracking. Once people see this, they might firstly think about why this happen? Why they icy word frost cracking? For it is snowy. It is very cold.


I thought the word “DARK” means some dreadful or bloody things. When I put the “DARK” word on the bottom of the picture, I give it blood-red color. And it’s sanguinary.
I made a darksome sky and put dark clouds and flashing lightning there. As my main originality here, I make some eye balls in the sky. They look like Balial’s eyes. They are all red and bloodshot which can make people feel the owners of those eyes are violent and sanguinary. The Belial eyes can let people scared. Meanwhile, I put many blurry anamorphic eyes with gleaming affection which present DARK atmosphere all over the picture.

I make one universe picture. The “bright” word comes from the center of metagalaxy. I use Lighting, 3.5mm camera, and film camera effect which let people feel the sunshine effect. The sun gives brightness to whole metagalaxy. Many other stars are company of the sun. They only have tiny size and weak brightness. By contrast, people will have sense that the sun gives the “BRIGHT”.



Helvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface (which recently celebrated its 50th birthday in 2007) as part of a larger conversation about the way type affects our lives.

i don't know it before . some good LOGO in my life. them are form Helvetica. i watch a film about Helvetica at the Visual Communication class. Helvetica make logo ,word are beautiful. i like it. i attention it. i go to internet search some information for it. i think i have a little crazy at moment:. after is Helvetica design.

do u drive jeep car?

 Helvetica design was your life.


Starting Out Straight

To start with, I took a straight studio shot of a rare double hellebore blossom (immediately below). The flower is one of the first blossoms from the second year blooms of these special hellebore plants, hybridized by Botanic Gardens in the dublin.I photographed the blossom using a backlighting setup on partially reflective lucite with a black background.

The capture information: 200mm f/4 macro lens (300mm in 35mm terms), 1 second at f/36 and ISO 100, tripod mounted using a Kirk Mighty Low Boy.

When I saw the photo on my monitor, I like the way it came out. But I definitely needed to play with the image in Photoshop (below and far below).


I often get asked about the techniques I use to get effects like these. I’ve no desire to be mysterious about it. But the precise steps I use are different every time. It’s a process, when it’s working right, that feels like the image is calling out to me, and revealing the steps as I go along necessary to reveal the inner image. You could say that I am the image’s therapist, taking the external image and revealing its inner self.

Also the case: if you tell me that you prefer my straight starting place, I won’t be offended.

There is some commonality in the techniques I usually use. I start by photographing (or scanning) for high depth-of-field and transparency. I then work on the image in Photoshop using a variety of blending modes with duplicated inversions of LAB channels.



A Little Definition is Sweet

Without doubt, the most welcomed features of Aperture 2.0 are several new image adjustment features included in the program You can almost close your eyes and point them out because they’re so clearly evident. While I greatly welcome the new Lightroom-like features such as vignetting and vibrancy, when I tried out the little feature called Definition, all I could say was, sweeeet.

We all know that both Aperture and Lightroom basically make adjustments to the entire image when they are applied, but with Aperture 2.0, Apple has included Definition as a way of adding local contrast when adjusting an image. Basically it seems to add more contrast to a Contrast adjustment. While the latter affects the entire image, the Definition adjustment affects more local areas, helping to further get rid of haze in the photo.

You can see the changes when applied, but sometimes using the Loupe tool will help you see the changes even better.

Before Definition adjustment:

After Definition adjustment



i take one kitten  from my friend at today, he is one month kitten. he is too small .   i bought some milk. The milk is only for kitten, quiet different from normal one. i made new bed for the kitten, his home is box, ha~ ha~~,  kitten is shy, he likes sleeping.

He is shy,

 new home. 55555, all time sleep.

i bought one ring for kitten.

i took pictures for kitten , he was on tiptoe with curiosity .


China showcases strength, vitality on 60th anniversary

The leading formation of planes fly over the Tian'anmen Square in the celebrations for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in central Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 1, 2009.

The phalanx of unmanned aircraft receives inspection in a parade of the celebrations for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, on Chang'an Street in central Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 1, 2009.

Infantry soldiers receive inspection in a parade of the celebrations for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, on Chang'an Street in central Beijing, capital of China, Oct. 1, 2009.

i watched tv today in the morning at 3am , i am a chinese ,so i am very happy, i can't sleep all night. the 3000 cinema control in the Tian'anmen Square . it is cool. China staged a grand celebration in Tian'anmen Square at the heart of Beijing Thursday, showcasing the strength and vitality of Chinese-style socialism over the past 60 years. A total of 60-gun salutes accompanied by the national anthem played by a 1,300-member military band and a solemn national flag-raising ceremony ushered in the beginning of the festivities. .



Welcome to my blog.
My name is Guosheng Guan, a student of GCD
I finished Bsc in Computing Science in the GCD.and i am studying Msc Digital Media Course in GCD now.

I will add some music and video next week,

first week , first blog

hi, everyone , how r u? welcome come to my blog,